Stop the Pain! Overcome it! Defeat it!

The future belongs to the Third Medicine—the one which unites the Contemporary Western and the Traditional Eastern medicines. This integration begins in the pain treatment clinics.
1st Day of Treatment
The first session involves obtaining a full medical history of the patient and the present condition, studying all previous medical results available – copies of medical tests & examinations, blood and urine samples to date (if present). It is followed by a full medical examination of current presentation. A line of treatment is then decided, on the basis of the information gathered from all of the above, followed by the first actual treatment session. Actual treatment method applied is a combination of use of Chinese needles (acupuncture), infra-red laser (area specific treatment) or moxa (treatment through targeted applied heat), applied in accordance with the System Energetics Acupuncture Theory and Model. In total: 3 hours by person.
2nd Day
Brief re-examination and second actual treatment session. In total: 90 -100 min. per person.
3rd Day
No treatment applied on the third day, in order to allow for the organism to rest and integrate treatment previously applied – free time.
4th Day
Brief re-examination and third actual treatment session. In total: 90 -100 min. per person.
1 Week Rest
No treatment applied for a week, in order to allow for the organism to rest and integrate treatment previously applied – free time.
Fourth session
After about a week long break the forth and final session takes place, which includes auriculotherapy. During this session tiny devices are placed on various cochleas points (specific points located on both earlobes, which are major acupuncture centres, responsible for various bodily organs), which stay intact and in place for a total of 3 weeks, allowing for constant stimulation of these centres for this period, called autoregulation. Thus, through the use of these tiny implements the actual acupuncture treatment and healing process continues for 3 more weeks after the official end of treatment in the clinic.
Please remark all visits are 4 – not 10 or 30 as required by some acupuncturists. Cause of this many patients from West Europe started to come in Sofia and Bulgaria for 2 weeks treating their pain…