ЕТ “Painkiller”

Dr. Bogdan Rouytchev

+359 888 / 68 36 76

53-1 Mladost 1, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

The future belongs to the Third Medicine—the one which unites the Contemporary Western and the Traditional Eastern medicines. This integration begins in the pain treatment clinics.

The Laws of the Dinosaur

1. The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature takes its course. 2. It is impossible to make an asymptomatic patient feel better. 3. The urgency of the test is inversely proportional to the IQ of the insurance company preauthorization clerk. 4. There is no cure for stupid. 5. Bad things really do happen to good people. 6. The better the surgeon, the more reluctant s/he is to operate. 7. Part A: It has to be fun. Part B: If it isn’t fun, see Part A. 8. Half of what is taught in medical school is wrong, but no one knows which half. 9. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. 10. A bad idea held by many people for a long time is still a bad idea. Lucy E. Hornstein (Author) › Visit Amazon’s Lucy E. Hornstein Page



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